Understanding Wheel Choices

Understanding Wheel Choices

3 Things You Need To Know About Tire Repair

Abigail Hayes

Experiencing a flat tire can be stressful. Most drivers choose to try and repair the flat tire before replacing it with a new one. Tire repair tends to be cheaper than replacing a damaged tire. Unfortunately, there are some limitations when it comes to the types of damage a tire shop can repair.

Here are three things you need to know about tire repair so that you can better care for your vehicle in the future.

1. Repairs Are Limited to Tread Areas

It's important that you identify where your tire has sustained damage if you want to determine whether repairs are possible. Most tire shops will limit repairs to the tread area on a tire. The tread is the thickest part of a tire. This thickness makes it possible for a patch or a plug to be used to stop air from escaping through any type of puncture or crack.

The sidewall of a tire is too thin for repairs. The amount of pressure that will be placed on the sidewall while driving could easily cause a patch or plug to fail.

If your tire has tread damage, a repair should be possible. If the damage lies elsewhere, plan on purchasing a new tire.

2. Some Types of Damage Can't Be Repaired

A tire shop will only be able to repair certain types of damage to your tire. Large punctures or irregular gashes can't safely be patched or plugged. Your tire technician will also want to check the integrity of the steel belts that lie below the rubber surface of your tires. If the steel belts have sustained any serious damage, you will need to purchase a new tire.

The tire repair process works best for small punctures that haven't compromised the strength and integrity of the tire.

3. Tires Can Only Be Repaired Once

No reputable tire shop will repair damage that occurs where a previous repair was made. Each time your tire sustains damage, it becomes less reliable. Repairing over the top of a prior repair is setting your tire up for failure. To avoid any potential safety hazards, experienced tire technicians will typically only repair a tire once. If further damage is sustained, you should plan on purchasing a replacement tire instead.

Tire repairs can be a valuable tool to help extend the life of your car's tires. Work with your tire shop to determine whether your damaged tire is eligible for repair.


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Understanding Wheel Choices

I didn't used to understand why everyone chose different tires for their cars, but about a year ago, I started paying more attention. It occurred to me that there were a few types of wheels and tires that were right for different weather conditions, and so it was really interesting to have them put on my car. I realized that it really did keep my car more stable on the road in inclement weather, and I was really impressed with how much of a difference it made. This website is here to help people to know which wheels are right for their car.
